Terms and Conditions

Onboarding Terms and Conditions

All sellers are expected to adhere to the following policies when listing their store products on Stocks Maze.Seller offenses and prohibited content can result in the suspension of your Stocks Maze account.
1- Retailers are responsible for shipping and handling and returns.
2- Orders payments are processed throw an escrow account and only deposited into the seller account after the customer marks the order as completed.
3- All listed products should have an accurate text description and also images or any product conditions mentioned for all products that are not in NEW condition.
4- All listed products need to be tested and inspected for faults and cosmetic conditions.
5- All listed products should include information about any potential warranties. Products that have no warranty at all should also have that mentioned.
6- Retailers with the commission-based plan are responsible for paying a percentage of 2.0 % for all their sales through the platform, plus payment processing fees. Retailers with a monthly subscription plan are responsible for monthly subscription fees (amount stated in the sign-up process) plus all payment processing fees estimated to be (2.9%+30 cents) per transaction.
7- Disputes between customers and retailers about lost or damaged, or defective deliveries allow stocks maze to enforce taking the funds from the retailer account back to the customer.
8- the Seller agrees that the site shall collect and pay any sales taxes due to the states where they are due through the tax compliance company of Stocks Maze choice.
9- The site shall not be liable for any disputes between seller and buyer, and the seller indemnifies the site for any costs or legal fees incurred due to seller/buyer disputes.
10- By listing your item with SM, you guarantee that you have the right to sell the item(s), and you are not violating any trademarks, patents, or copyrights.

Seller code of conduct

This policy requires that sellers act fairly and honestly on Stocks Maze to ensure a safe buying and selling experience. All retailers must:

  • Provide accurate information to Stocks Maze and our customers at all times
  • Act fairly and not misuse Stocks Maze’s features or services
  • Not attempt to damage or abuse another retailer, their listings, or ratings
  • Not attempt to influence customers’ ratings, feedback, and reviews
  • Not send unsolicited or inappropriate communications
  • Not contact customers except through Stocks Maze platforms.
  • Not attempt to circumvent the Stocks Maze sales process
  • Not operate more than one selling account on Stocks Maze without a legitimate business need
  • Not engage in conduct that violates price fixing laws
Violating the Code of Conduct or any other Stocks Maze policies may result in actions against your account, such as cancellation of listings, suspension or forfeiture of payments, and removal of selling privileges.

Accurate Information

You must provide accurate information to Stocks Maze and our customers and update the information if it changes. For example, this means that you must use a business name that accurately identifies your business and list your products in the correct category.

Acting Fairly

You must act fairly and lawfully and may not misuse any service provided by Stocks Maze. Examples of unfair activities include:

  • Providing misleading or inappropriate information to Stocks Maze or our customers, such as by creating multiple detail pages for the same product or posting offensive product images
  • Manipulating sales rank (such as by accepting fake orders or orders that you have paid for, or refunded externally or orders that you discounted externally) or making claims about sales rank in product titles or descriptions
  • Attempting to increase the price of a product after an order is confirmed
  • Artificially inflating web traffic (using bots or paying for clicks, for example)
  • Attempting to influence search results by inflating search ranking through keyword manipulation or incentivizing customers’ searches to appear as organic behavior
  • Attempting to damage another Seller, their listings, or ratings
  • Allowing other people to act on your behalf in a way that violates Amazon’s policies or your agreement with Stocks Maze

Ratings, Feedback, and Reviews

You may not attempt to influence or inflate customers’ ratings, feedback, and reviews. You may request feedback and reviews from your customers in a neutral manner but may not:

  • Pay for or offer an incentive (such as coupons or free products) in exchange for providing or removing feedback or reviews
  • Ask customers to write only positive reviews or ask them to remove or change a review
  • Solicit reviews only from customers who had a positive experienced
  • Review your products or a competitor’s products

Customer Information

If you receive customer information such as addresses or phone numbers to fulfill orders, you may use that information only to fulfill orders and must delete it after the order has been processed. You may not use customer information to contact customers or share it with any third party.

Circumventing the Sales Process

You may not attempt to circumvent the Stocks Maze sales process or divert Stocks Maze customers to another website. This means that you may not provide links or messages that prompt users to visit any external website or complete a transaction elsewhere.

Multiple Selling Accounts on Stocks Maze

You may only maintain one retailer account for each region in which you sell unless you have a legitimate business need to open a second account, and all of your accounts are in good standing. If any of your accounts are not in good standing, we may deactivate all of your selling accounts until all accounts are in good standing. Examples of a legitimate business justification include:

  • You own multiple brands and maintain separate businesses for each
  • You manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies

Filing Infringement Notices as an Agent or Brand Protection Agency

Stocks Maze understands that many brands may choose to have brand protection agencies or agents report intellectual property infringement on their behalf and accepts submissions from authorized agents. However, Stocks Maze does not permit individuals with active selling accounts to file infringement notices as an agent of a brand when the filing of those notices could benefit their selling account (through removing competing listings, for example). Any sellers filing notices as an agent to benefit their status as a seller may have their selling account terminated.Any account that is found falsely claiming intellectual property rights for its benefit shall be immediately terminated and removed from the site.

Easy Checkout

Every thing has good quality and affordable price. Middle class and lower class people can also buy them.

Fast Delivery

Order Delivery is assured with in specified time.Customers are well aware about the delivery time.

Happy Customers

Customers are very well satisfied by delivering them good quality products. Quality is maintained.

Secure Payments

Get paid with the world’s most popular and secured payment methods.